NCO 2020 Strategy
The NCO 2020 Strategy was developed for many different reasons and the roles and responsibilities for Noncommissioned Officers have evolved significantly over the last few decades.
NCOs in today’s environment have had to adjust in a deliberate and comprehensive approach. The days of not understanding your duties and responsibilities have been replaced with more stringent requirements at NCO Professional Military Education (PME) schools, weighted 1059’s and class rankings, which are a few variables that have been affected.
Lines of Effort
The NCO 2020 Strategy is a 13-page document dated 4 December 2015. The Strategy explains in detail the Three Lines of Efforts (LOE). It is paramount for all Noncommissioned Officers to understand these LOEs:
LOE #1 Focuses on the development of NCO’s in several different capacities. Select, Train, Educate and promote (S.T.E.P.) and NCO Professional Military Education are a few topics covered in the development of NCO’s.
LOE #2 Focuses on Talent Management and different opportunities for broadening assignments. Talent Management not on only shows the versatility of the Soldier it also benefits the Army.
LOE #3 Stewards of the profession focuses on highlighting the role of the NCO in sustaining trust. This LOE is about taking pride in being an NCO living the NCO Creed and being proud to be a Noncommissioned Officer.

This is a brief snapshot of what the NCO 2020 Strategy has to offer. I would encourage every Noncommissioned Officer to read, comprehend and inform Soldiers at all echelons. To learn more about the background of this read Dan Elder’s article on NCO Education history.
Some may argue that the Strategy is focused on an excessive amount of education and area’s that are not perceived as important, however; I believe that to be far from the truth. A smart well-trained Soldier that is proud of his/her profession is a force multiplier, more lethal than any weapon system on the battlefield.
CSM Brain K. Lindsey, USA, Retired
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